Archiwum hase³
Charcot-Leyden crystals | Chédiak's reaction/ | Child-Pugh score | Brescia-Cimino fistula | Christmas' factor | Cobb method | Cockroft-Gault formula | Cottle test | Cozen's test | Credé's prophylaxis; Credé's method | Crosby-Kugler capsule | Curschmann's spirals . | Czermak's vagus pressure | Premature abruptio placentae | Annular detachment of cervix during labour | Double inlet ventricle | Obstetric avulsion of inner symphyseal cartilage | Detached meniscus | Avulsion of scalp | Iridodialysis | Chest tympany | Pupillary seclusion | Localized amyloidosis | vaginal laceration | Tuberculous pneumothorax | Spontaneous tension pneumothorax | Traumatic pneumothorax | Pneumopericardium | Traumatic subcutaneous emphysema | Pneumomediastinum | Chilblains | Frostbite | Superficial frostbite | Frostbite with tissue necrosis | Congenital vessico-uretero-renal reflux | Vesicoureteral reflux | Vesicoureteral reflux with scarring | Abnormal response to nerve stimulation | Measle | Measles complicated by encephalitis | Measles with intestinal complications | Abnormal reflex | Bone-marrow transplant failure and rejection | Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment | Ectropion of eyelid | Failure and rejection of transplanted tissues | Choroidal detachment | Detachment of retinal pigment epithelium | Dehydration of a newborn | Transposition of intestine | Transposition of colon, congenital | Psychogenic inversion of nyctohermal rythm | Psychogenic inversion of circadian rythm | Psychogenic inversion of sleep rythm | Dextrocardia with situs inversus | Transposition of appendix | Victim of crime and terrorism | Snow blindness | Sympathetic uveitis | Ophthalmoplegia migraine | Voyeurism | Irritable colon | Psychogenic forms of irritable bowel syndrome | Dolichocolon | Megacolon in Chagas' disease | Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) | Digit Symbols | virus replication | compensated liver function | cytoarchitectural defects | schizophasia | disorganization syndrome | Oxycephaly | Late syphilitic oculopathy | Late congenital oculopathy | Early congenital syphilitic oculopathy | Secondary syphilitic oculopathy | Toxoplasma oculopathy | Megaloduodenum | Congenital (aganglionic) megacolon | Macrogyria | Hallucinationes | Visual hallucinations | Psychogenic syncope | Carotid sinus syncope | Heat syncope | Onchocerciasis | Oneirophrenia | Oncovirus | Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate | Nephroptosis | Ptosis of eyelid | Congenital ptosis | Foot drop (acquired) | Hepatoptosis | Gastroptosis | Enteroptosis | Corrosions of body surface | Corrosions of respiratory tract | Corrosions of head | Corrosions of mouth and pharynx | Corrosion of larynx and trachea | Corrosions with resulting destruction of eyeball | Corrosion of periocular area | Corrosion of eyelid | Corrosion of oesophagus | Corrosion of cornea | Corrosion of cornea and conjunctival sac | Burn of mouth and pharynx | Burns | Sunburn | Burns of body surface | Burn of respiratory tract | Burn of pharynx | Burn of head | Burn of mouth | Burn of larynx and trachea | Burn involving larynx and trachea with lung | Burns of multiple body regions | Burn of periocular area | Burn of eyelid | Burn of eosophagus | Burn of cornea | Care and examination immediately after delivery | Postpartum care and examination | Attention to surgical dressings and sutures | Attention to artificial vagina | Attention to artificial openings | Care involving dialysis | Care involving use of rehabilitation procedures | Attention to cystostomy | Attention to gastrostomy | Attention to illeostomy | Attention to colostomy | Attention to tracheostomy | Acute pulmonary oedema | Irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhoea | Ophthalmia nodosa | Vitreous detachment | Dix-Hallpike manoeuvre or Dix-Hallpike test | Desault's bandage | Daniels' biopsy | Dawbarn's test | Donath-Landsteiner test | AST/ ALT ratio | Duncan mechanism | Einthoven's triangle | Esbach's Method | Esmarch's bandage II | Ewing battery | Fåhræus-Westergren test | Fairbank's test | Farabeuf retractor | Finkelstein's test | Foley's catheter | Foshay's test | Fowler's position | Adams-Oliver syndrome | Forrest scale | Fowler test | Frankel classification | Frei's antigen | Frejki cushion | Freyer's operation | prenatal screening | Down’s Syndrome | mongolism | total hCG | prenatal diagnostic test | Gauss distribution | Multiples of Medians {MoM} | triple screening | steroid hormone | log-linear weight correction model | linear-reciprocal model | Wilcoxon test | pregnancy-associated plasma protein A {PAPP-A} | nuchal translucency thickness {NT} | fetal nuchal translucency thickness {fetal NT} | immunoanalysis system | Gaskin's manoeuvre | Gelle test | Gilliam's operation | Gleason staging system | Gmelin's test | Goldmann triple-mirror | Grannum classification | Groshong catheter | Widal’s reaction | Gumprecht’s shadows | Gustafson method | Guyon's canal | Hachinski Ischemic Score {HIS} | Haldane effect | Dix-Hallpike manoeuvre | Halsted mastectomy | Ham's test | Hamburger count | Harris-Benedict equations | Hartmann's operation |
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