Archiwum hase³
affect | affective disorders | afferent | afferent lymphatic vessel | afferent neuron | affinity | after-discharge | after-pains | afterbirth | Afterdepolarisation {AD} | age determination | age distribution | age of maturity | age structure | aged horse | aged meat | ageing of meat | agenda | agglutinability | agglutinant | agglutinogen | aggressiveness | agouti | agrarian bank | agrarian system | agreement of lease | agricultural adviser | agricultural adviser (agent) | agricultural chemistry | agricultural commercial use | agricultural economics | agricultural engineering | agricultural fair | agricultural holding | agricultural income | agricultural labour | agricultural machinery | agricultural marketing | agricultural meteorology | agricultural output | agricultural planing | agricultural school | agricultural show | agricultural surpluses | agricultural training | agriculture use | agro-food industry | agro-sylvo-pastoral balance | agroecosystem | air bladder | air cavity | air cell (eggs) | air circulation | air conditioner | air conditioning | air-dried | air-vesicles | alanine | alarm call | albino | albino rat | albinoism | albumen index | alcohol oxidase | alcoholic fermentation | alcoholometer | aldehidic group | alder leaf beetle | alfalfa hay | alfalfa meal | algal feed | algid | algin | alight | aliment | alimentary bolus | alimentary hyperlip(a)emia | alimentary system | alimentary value | alimentation | all-or-none law | allantoic cavity | allantoic fluid | allay | allele | allele frequency | allele repulsion | allelic | allelomorphes | allied species | alligator | allis shad | anfler fish (inne nazwy: monk fish, goose fish) | allometry | allot | allotment | allotype | alpha - aminobutyric acid | alpine | alpine bulrush | alsike clover | altered levels of regulatory proteins | alternate | alternate pathway | alternation of temperature | alternative hypothesis | altitude | altruistic behaviour; helping behaviour | alum-tanning | aluminium seal | alveolus | amateur | amble | american bagder | american buffalo | american eel | american elk | mountain lion | american lobster | amidase | amine oxidase | amine oxide | amino acid balance | amino sugar | aminoform {E239} | amitosis | amitotic | amitotic division | ammonia treatment | ammoniated feed | amount of precipitation | amphibia | amphibious | amphibiousness | amylecaous | amylogenesis | amylogenic | amylolitic | anaemic condition of soil | anaerobiosis | anagenesis | anal fin | analysis | analysis of covariance {ANCOVA} | Analysis of variance {ANOVA} | analytical chemist | anatomical dissection (dissection muscle by muscle) | anazotic | ancestry | anchorage | ancillary equipment | ancillary statistics | androcyte | androgenic haploid | anemophilous | angiology | angiotonin | angler fish | anhydrous acid | animal ethology | animal house | animal husbandry | animal husbandry course | animal husbandry education | animal husbandry training | animal movement | animal pest | animal production monitoring | animal protein factor {APF} | animal raising | animal-environment relationship | anion active | anisogamy | anithrombin | annual deaths | annuity | annulus | anser | anserine | ant lion | antagonized organism | anterior presentation | antidiarrhoea agent | antidiarrhoeal agents | antigen presentation required | antigen-specific clonal expansion | antipodal | antirachitic potency | antitrypsin | antler | antler casting | antlers (deer) | antral follicle | anvil beak | aoudad | apepsy | aperitive | aphagia | aphthous fever | apiarian |
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