Verba Medica - s³ownik medyczny online angielsko - polski, polsko - angielski
  Najwiêkszy - 96834 hase³ (48417 polskich, 48417 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

granular soils | Gravel | Gravel pit | Ground settlement | Ground water level | Gyttja | Heat capacity | Heat of wetting | Heavy minerals | Humic acids | Humins | Humus soils | Hydroglacier glaciation | Hydrometer | Hydrometer analysis | Hydromuscovite | Hydrophobicity | Hygroscopic capacity | Hygroscopie coefficient -ASTM | Ice-marginal basin | Ignition loss | Initial stress | Intercristaline swelling | Interlayer water | Isomorphous replacement | Kaolinite | Lacustrine chalk | Laser particle sizer | Liquid limit | Liquid limit Casagrande method | Liquid limit-cone penetrometer method | Liquid phase od soil | Liquid state of soil | Loess-like deposits | Macroscopic | Macroscopic analusis | Made ground-ASTM | made ground-ASTM, BS | Man-made soils | Map of engineering-geological zoning | Maximum index density-ASTM | Maximum unit weight | Measure in sampling tube | Medium sand | Mercury volume gauge | Microaggregate | Microporous soils | Microstructural | Mineral soils | Modulus of compressibility | Modulus of deformation | Modulus of primary compressibility | Montmorillonite (smectites) | Muck | Natural moisture content | Natural soils | non-cohesive soils-sands-BS | Non-plastic soil-NP.-BS | Octahedral sheet | Octahedron, octahedral unit | Oedometric modulus of compressibility | Optimum water content | Organic soils | Outcrop | Outcropping | overburden | Paleosol | Particle-size curve | peat-earth | Pedology | Pelite | Peptization | PERCUSSIVE PROBE | Physical and mechanical properties od soil | Physical properties of soil | Pipette analysis | Plascitity index | Plastic limit | Plastic state of soil | Plastic strain | Pocket penetrometer | Polymorphic medification | Pore water pressure | Property of soil | Psammite | quaternary (period) | Quick clay | Quicksand | Rebound curve | Regolith | Relative density | remoulded sample | Replacement | Residual soils | Rock slack | Rocks | Sample strenght | Sampling | Sand clay | Sand pit | Sand-gravel mix | Sand-size grains | Sandstone | sandwater | silty clay | Sandy clay loam | Sandy soil with all sand fractions | Saturated unit weight | Saturated water vapour pressure | Saturation percent | Seam thickness | Sedimentation | Sedimentation tests | Semi-solid state of soil | Sensitivity of clays | Settlement-load-curve | Shear test box | Shearing stress | Shrinkage | Shrinkage limits | Sieve | sieve test | Silicates | Silt | Silty loam | Silty sand | Site investigation | soft soils | soil cement stabilization | Soil compacting | Soil fraction, basic soil group | Soil freezing | Soil mechanics | Soil moisture | Soil plasticity | soil sampler | Soil science | Soil wedge | Sol | Solid phase of soil | Solid state od soil | Squeezing out of pore water | Stagnant-lake clay | Sticky limit | Structure of clay minerals | sublayer | Submerged unit weight | Subsoil | Surface active agent | Surface tension | Suttlement - load curve | Swell index | Swelling curve | swelling potential | Swelling test apparatus | Tetrahedron | TG-curve | Thermoanalitycal curves | thermogram | Time consolidation curve | Time curve | total residue | Triaxial apparatus | Undisturbed sample | Uniformity coefficient | Uniformity of granulation | Unit strain | Unit weight of solid particles | Varved clay | Very coarse soils | Viscosity | Void ratio in densest state | Warp, alluvial soil | Water immersion | Water table | Water-bearing | Weak soils | weighing in water | X-ray diffraction analysis | Zeolitic water | Thorn-apple | Perivincle, lesser | Grater plantain | Pick - tooth | D phenylalanylo-L-propyl-L-arginine chloromethyl ketone {PPACK} | Danish Pekin (Ducks) | diffuse large B-cell lymphoma {DLCL} | dimethylsulfoxide {DMSO} | donor lymphocyte transfusion {DLT} | double blind, randomized study | double-blind treatment period | dozen | Drug compliance check | Drug dispensed | Drug returned | Duration of treatment | dysregulation of cell mechanisms | ECG (12 lead) at rest | Ectromelia {ECTV} virus | Edathamil Calcium-disodium |
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