Archiwum hase³
dural sac | oculocephalic reflex | hepatoblastoma | retraction of nipple | prematurity | intestinal strongyloidiasis | disseminated strongyloidiasis | cutaneous strongyloidiasis | platybasia | invagination of intestine | protrusio acetabuli | juvenile tabes dorsalis | double vision | macrophthalmus | polycystic kidney disease | lung polycystic disease | Brachmann-de Lange syndrome | ligamentous laxity | pili annulati | ringed hair | monilethrix | beaded hair | chondromyxoid fibroma | desmoplastic fibroma | ossifying fibroma | periosteal fibroma | dermatofibroma | ameloblastic fibroma | odontogenic fibroma | fibrosarcoma | infantile fibrosarcoma | periosteal fibrosarcoma | dermatofibrosarcoma | ameloblastic fibrosarcoma | fibromyxoma | fibromyxosarcoma | fibromyxolipoma | fibrolipoma | abdominal fibromatosis | myofibromatosis | aggressive fibromatosis | ameloblastic fibro-odontoma | baseline assessment | centrifugal nerve | cutaneous anthrax | polyotia | precerebral vessels | pulmonary venous | casts in urine | chromosomal abnormalities | frigidity | integument | parosmia | polyembryoma | vitreous humor | cysticercosis of eye | vitreous humour | vitreous body | Maximum Heart Rate {MHR} | blood coagulation | plantar fascial fibromatosis | Ledderhose's disease | morbus Ledderhose | plantar fibromatosis | plantar aponeurosis | hydrosalpinx | hydrarthrosis of yaws | hydrarthrosis | tuberculous ascites | hydrophthalmos | hydromyelia | dyshormogenetic goitre | postherpetic neuralgia | arterial dissection | aortic wall dissection | endemic goitre | toxic nodular goitre | toxic nodular struma | nontoxic goitre | non toxic goitre | colloid goitre | buphthalmos | Buruli ulcer | Mother yaw | chancre of yaws | corneal marginal ulcer | Mooren ulcer | tropical ulcer | Aden ulcer | jungle rot | Malabar ulcer | tropical phagedena | syphilitic chancre | hypovolaemic shock | obstetric shock | traumatic shock | concussion of lumbal spinal cord | pediculosis | phthiriasis | sylvatic rabies | urban rabies | cerebrospinal fluid leak | rhinology | redox | geniculostriate pathway | optic radiation | geniculo-calcarine tract | oxaluria | Ketonuria | hypertrophic elongation of cervix uteri | knock-out mice | speculum | glucose measurement | ultrasound gel | skin integrity | urethral discharge | otorrhoea | chylopericardium | haemophthalmos | choroidal haemorrhage | subconjunctival haemorrhage | subconjunctival hemorrhage | conjunctival haemorrhage | ophiasis | excessive vomiting in pregnancy | neonatal haematemesis | psychogenic vomiting | vomiting in newborn | inversion of uterus | ectropion of cervix uteri | seminal fluid | synovial fluid | bronchial washings | pedicle | hyphaema | rectal tenesmus | middle lobar bronchus | water-clear cell adenoma | nasal secretions | malignant cachexia | pituitary cachexia | nutritional marasmus | urachus | urethral mucosa | anal prolapse | burn-out | state of vital exhaustion | intrinsic eczema | allergic eczema | contact eczema | nummular dermatitis | occupational eczema | flexural eczema | megaloappendix | exostose | exostosis of orbit | osteochondromatosis | osteochondroma | Kaposi's varicelliform eruption | viral exanthema | anaplastic ependymoma | ependymoma | papillary ependymoma | myxopapillary ependymoma | exophthalmos | gastroschisis | menstrual extraction | sighing | induction of labour | priapism | haematocornea | bipolar affective disorder {BP} | disorders of accommodation | disturbance of activity and attention | glutamyl cycle | protein-energy imbalance | somatoform pain disorder | acetonuria | chyluria | ligneous thyroiditis | pleural fluid | telogen effluvium{TE} | uterine prolapse | anagen effluvium | hysterectomy | problem- solving therapy | beryllium content | pulp exposure | endometriosis ovarii | ischial spine | illiac spine | chylothorax | feline hepatic lipidosis | steatitis | fatty liver disease | erectile dysfunctions {ED} | Erection Hardness Scores {EHS} | erection maintenance | sildenafil citrate | International Index of Erectile Function {IIEF} |
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