Verba Medica - s³ownik medyczny online angielsko - polski, polsko - angielski
  Najwiêkszy - 96834 hase³ (48417 polskich, 48417 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

acromion process | acron | acrosomal | acrosome | actinotrichia | acumen | acuminate | acuminate glume | acute indigestion of ruminants | acute tympany | ad lib | ad lib consumption | adamantoblast | adenosine monophosphoric acid {AMP} | adipsy | adjunctive behaviour | adjutant | adrenocortical hormones | avian distemper | avian infectius bronchitis | avian plaque | aviarist | Methicyllin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus {MRSA} | Vancomycin Resitant Enterococcus {VRE} | bird flu | medicnal product | Novel Food | {H5N1} virus | herbal product | well-established use | coil | infrared | helix | dioxane | maintain | drought | purification | synthesis | hemianopsia | eider duck | hemiparesis | keeper | referral | master class | ingest | insect | insectivorous | habitat | engine | abbrasive | canal | reservation | blacktop | allopatric | antimitotic | Pisces | heredity | civil rights | blight | conclusion | homeopathy | insured | brand equity | crater | rent | brake | breakage | fetch | crankcase | hearing aid | muzzle | recombinase | migrant | topically | gouty | ankylosis spondylitis | platelet aggregation | prostrate | mycelium | luliberyn | lifetime | interstitial | annihilation | corpuscle | embedding | repertoire | torque | reinjection | liquid phase | nonaqueous | {MSR} monosynaptic reflex | chicken pox | recon | rectangular | intrasept | pipe | reactor | batch reactor | height | synthetisable | roll-out | thioflavin | crown of thorns | May lily | Wood lily | Lily confancy | Conval lily | gliadin | hordein | secalin | perithropic | chiffchaff | hornworm | hymenoptera | blackcap | reptile | parity | nuthatch | silkworm | cuticle of the root sheath | linnett | marsh | Bicipital | ancestor's performance | antibiotic supplement | immunocomplex-mediated hypersensitivity | amphimixis | lameness | animal unit | continue therapy | extramedullary tumour growth | hoof | Indices (indexes) | aquiferous | anas | highly polymorphic | cleft nucleus | lame | lactation | anhistous | user fee | Waney edge borer | post partum | white line disease | brachial | aphid | nympha | features | include | kennel | Egyptian armyworm | Peroneal | sublethal | oxalate | budworm | focal | neonate | polypus | clinical | methanogens | variate | dystonia | Pseudopapilloedema | Iridocyclitis | Iridocyclitis in herpesviral (herpes simplex) infection | Chronic iridocyclitis | Chronic obstructive tracheobronchitis | Iridocyclitis in syphilis (secondary) | Lens-induced iridocyclitis | Iridocyclitis in sarcoidosis | Subacute iridocyclitis | Gonococcal iridocyclitis | Listerial cerebral arteritis | Acute catarrhal tracheitis | Acute iridocyclitis | Acute tracheitis | Acute tracheobronchitis | Granulomatous thyroiditis | Acute iritis | Tuberculous cerebral arteritis | Chronic tracheitis | Cellulitis of nose (septum) | Chronic tubotympanic suppurative otitis media | Suppurative | Acute allergic otitis media | Adhesive capsulitis of shoulder | Trigonitis | Systemie lupus erythematosus | Interstitial gestational mastitis | Chronic infectious pancreatitis | Otitis media in measles | Haemorrhagic pancreatitis | Nonsuppurative otitis media | Nonsuppurative allergic otitis media | Cellulitis of pharynx | Interstitial puerperal mastitis | Acute recurrent pancreatitis | Otitis media in scarlet fever | Otitis media in tuberculosis | Nonsuppurative secretory otitis media |
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