Archiwum hase³
clove oil | CM cellulose {E466} | coating medium | coca leaf extract | coca leaf oil | dissector | lesser sac | Very Low Birth Weight {VLBW} | cochinilin | coefficient | coenzyme | cogitive stereotype | cognitive | colalin | colometric method | color stabilizer | color-fixative | color-fixing agent | colorant | acetylsalicylic acid {ASA} | activated clotting time {ACT} | percutaneous transluminal angioplasty {PTA} | gumdrop | gumtree | guppy | gutta-percha | guzzle | guzzler | gypsophila | gypsy Moth | haemodynamics | ham | Hazard | Hazard Analysis | Hazard and Operbility Study {HAZOP} | hazelnut | head cheese | health food | health hazard | healthy volunteer | heart | heart action parameters | heart failure | heart muscle | microparticulate enzyme immunoassay (MEIA) | monocytic leukemia | Monte Carlo simulation model | multicentre trial | myeloid leukemia | myxomatosis | procedure | projection | promyelocytic leukemia | propylformic acid | prostatic hyperplasia | protective | purpuric fever | q fever | questionnaire | undercut | uneaten | unfreeze | unfrozen | unicorn | unicorn fish | unicorn whale | unpalatable | unrefined | unseasoned | unsliced | unsmoked | unsweetened | untasted | untouched | unwashed | upside-down cake | urea | vast majority | vesicular stomatitis | viral haemorrhagenic disease of rabbits | viral haemorrhagic septicaemia {VHS} | vitality | water buffalo | water chestnut - chinese | water cracker | water fern | water flea | water gruel | water hemlock | water ice | water milfoil | water rat | water snake | aboveground organs | abrade | abranchiatus | absolute | absolute alcohol | absolute efficiency of muscle work | absolute humidity | guaiac | guaiac gum | guaiac resin | guaiac wood extract | guaiacum | guanine riboside-5-phosphoric acid {E626} | guanosine 5'-monophosphate {E626} | guanosine 5'-phosphate {E626} | guanosine monophosphate {E626} | guanosine phosphoric acid {E626} | guanylic acid {E626} | guar flour {E412} | guar gum {E412} | guaranine | Guinea green B | gum acacia {E414} | gum arabic {E414} | gum camphor | gum ghatti | gum guaiac | gum guaiacum | gum tragacanth {E413} | gummi traganthae {E413} | haematological | haematological malignancy | haematological response | haematological toxicity | haemoglobin levels as a measure of anaemia | haemopoietically active | hallmark of cancer | hard paraffin | methenamine {E239} | method of independent culling levels | methyl sulfide | methylated spirit | methylation | methylotheobromine | microenviroment | micronucleus assay | mild anatomical abnormalities | milk | milk production | milk yield | milk yield recording | milking and milk storage equipment | miniature varieties | minimal response | minimal response rate {MR} | Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development | mink | mink breeding | Minor Criteria | Minor Criterion | Minor Response {MR} | mobile community teams | Modification of Dose | modification of dose and regimen | molecular targets | monoacid phosphate {E340b} | monochlorpentafluoroethane | monoclonal proliferation of plasma cells in the bone marrow | monocytes | monomeric boronic acid | monomeric bortezomib | monomeric immunoglobulins | monostearin | monozygotic twins | pentamethyleneamine | pentosan | pentosanase | pepsinum | peracetic acid | percentage of patients | perennial plantations | performance measures | performance recording | performance status decreased | performance tests of mares | performance traits | peridural fibrosis | Periodic limb movement in sleep {PLMS} | periodical market fluctuations | peripheral nervous system lesions {PNS} | peripheral neuropathy | peripheral neuropathy aggravated | peripheral sensory neuropathy | permanent grass | permanent sensory loss | permitted food color | peroxyacetic acid | renal complications | renal failure acute | renal insufficiency or failure | replacement gilt | repressors of transcription | reproduction capacity | reproduction flock | reproduction of meat hens | reproductive performance evaluation for sows | requires hospitalisation |
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