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  Najwiêkszy - 96834 hase³ (48417 polskich, 48417 angielskich)

Archiwum hase³

Elm; Common elm; Field elm | Eye-bright | Eyebright | European Agrimony | Passions | Snakeweed | English serpentary | Osterick | Veronica | Ground-well | Cat's eye | Bird's eye | White bryony | Wild vine | Lady's seal | Mandragora | Tetterwort | Swallow-wort | Garden celadine | Felonwort | Hinojo | Eucalyptus | Fumitory | Earth smoke | Felon herb | Event free survival {EFS} | Centaury | Garden thyme | German-sarsaparilla | Garden sage | Wild chamomille | Single chamomille | Scented mayweed | Pin heads | German chamomille | Yellow bedstraw | Wild rosemary | Maid's hair | Gailion | Hundredfold | Glabrous rupturewort | Penny royal | Garden-angelica | Pansy, wild | Love-in-idleness | Garden-gate | Garlic | Grand marnier | Hoardhound | Horehound | Herb margaret | Schloss tea | Officinal mallow | Marsh mallow | Mallards | Guimauve | Hemp-nettle | Wild morning-glory | Lady's nightcap | Hedge bindweed | Great bindweed | Wild tansy | Silverweed | Goosegray | Gooseweed | Goosegrass | Goosefoot | Oats, cultivated | Wood avens | Herb bennet or benet | Haricot, common | Haricot bean | St John's wort | Squash | Gourd | Hardy Grindelia | He-broom (no flowers) | She-broom (with flowers) | Blackwort | Comfrey | Consolida | Knitbone | Nipbone | Grenadine | Ground meat | High in | Honeydew honey | Hors d'ouvre | Verbena | Vervain | Juno's tears | Island Moos | Shave-grass | Pewterwort | Horsetail, field | Lettuce | Diferentiation | Wild briar | Hips | Hip tree | Sengreen | Roof sempervivum | Houseleek | Jupiter's Beard | Dragonwort | Bistort | Pink weed | Sparrow tongue | Ninety knot | Knotweed | Knot-grass | Iron grass | Lady's mantle | Devil's turnips | Bryonia | Bryony | Rose-mallow | Hollyhock | Hoofs | Horsehoof | Neadleleaved holly | Hulm | Hulver bush | Holly | Holm | Thorny burr | Lappa | Lappa minor - | Lovage | Lime-tree | Lily | Madonna | Lime, common | True lavender | Officinal lavender | Hardhay | Sweet bay | Roman laurel | Noble laurel | Lemon - | Hop | Potato | Tuberous nightshade | Hydrogenated oils | Hypoxanthine | Iceberg lettuce | Inositol | Kreb's cycle | Kumiss | Langue de chat | LD 50 | Leaven | Lisine | Leghorn (Laying Hens) | leucaemia lymphoblastica acuta {ALL} | leucaemia lymphocytica chronica {CLL} | leukotriene antagonists | long free survival {LFS} | long-acting anticholinergic | long-acting ß2-agonist | low-molecular-weight heparin {LMWH} | lymphocyte depletion {LD} | lymphocyte predominance {LP} | lymphokine-activated kiler {LAK} | hypersensitivity | metabolite | Queen of the Meadow | Meadow-sweet, | Toywort | Shepherd's sprout | St James wort | Shepherd's purse | Permacety | Mother's heart | Dwarf mallow | Round-leafed mallow | Pasque flower | Motherwort | Meadow windflower, | Maypops | Male shield fern | Milk-thistle | Raspberry | Wild raspberry | Carrot | Mount Ida bramble | Marjoram, sweet | Wild thyme | Mother of thyme | Serpollet | Linden | Mountain tobacco | Masterworf | May bush | Mullein | Nigella | Mad cow disease | Malic acid | Malt | Maltose |
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